• May 14 2024 - 13:06
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Director General of NCC Gives a Speech at KazanForum 2024

According to NCC News, quoted from the International Cooperation and Engineering Services Export Office of NCC, following effective interactions with the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography (Rosreestr), the head of Rosreestr officially invited the director general and representatives of NCC to take part in the panel discussion within the framework of KazanForum 2024. The 15th International Economic Forum “Russia-the Islamic World: KazanForum 2024” held from May 14 to 19, 2024 in the city of Kazan, Russia. Javidaneh participated online in the panel discussion titled “International partnership in the area of geospatial support of states”. During this event, topical issues covered as cooperation between Russia and the countries of the Islamic world in the field of geodesy and cartography, the role of geospatial support in the strategic objectives of states as well as international practices in the development of Spatial Data Infrastructure. Spatial Data Infrastructure as the cornerstone of advanced digital economy provides a digital framework for the efficient management of spatial data and is recognized as an essential component of advanced digital economies.

While thanking the official invitation of the Russian side, Javidaneh delivered a speech on “Spatial Data Infrastructure as the cornerstone of advanced digital economies” on May 16, 2024 virtually.

Pointing out that the Spatial Data Infrastructure is a network of spatial information resources and users that are connected through common standards and protocols, he said, “This requires the creation of geospatial strategy, policy and practices; and SDI provides a digital framework for the efficient management of spatial data and is recognized as one of the essential components of advanced digital economy.”

Continuing his speech, Javidaneh pointed out the wide technical possibilities that SDIs provide in communities, such as data-based decision-making, location-based services, advanced spatial analysis and providing predictive modeling and informed decision-making based on information and mutual cooperation are among the goals and benefits of such a platform and subsequently, with efficient data management, SDIs play a very important role to fully utilize the potentials of spatial data and drive further economic growth and social progress in the digital age.

In conclusion, the director general of NCC added that “Today, the National Cartographic Center of Iran with more than a decade of focus on SDIs has reached the stage of its exploitation and application.

It is worth mentioning that in the last two years, Iran's SDI activities have led to the provision of spatial information services required by e-government projects, and the biggest achievement and experience of NCC is the launch of Iran Investment Atlas as a specialized sub-portal of the national geoportal, which is one of the applications of this system in line with the goals of developing the country's digital economy. The Department of International Cooperation of NCC is going to expand international interactions with all the countries of the region with the approach of exporting engineering services to other countries.

  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا,News
  • News code : 871
Farkhondeh Rafani

Farkhondeh Rafani


Last Update date : May 14 2024 13:06
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