• Jul 3 2024 - 13:18
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Member of the Federal Organizing Committee and Secretary of the Republican Organizing Committee of the International Economic Forum of Russia Appreciates Director General of NCC

Unprecedented Results of the 15th International Economic Forum in Russia

According to NCC news, quoted from the International Cooperation and Engineering Services Export Office of NCC, the member of the Federal Organizing Committee and the Secretary of the Republican Organizing Committee of the International Economic Forum of Russia appreciated the director general of NCC. Taliya Minullina appreciated the director general of NCC for his online speech on “Spatial Data Infrastructure as the cornerstone of advanced digital economies” in the panel discussion titled “International partnership in the area of geospatial support of states” by sending a letter to Javidaneh and thanked him for providing useful and informative content. She also stated that the session was held at the highest level.

It is worth mentioning that the head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography (Rosreestr) officially invited the director general and representatives of NCC to take part in the panel discussion within the framework of KazanForum 2024, in the city of Kazan, Russia; and the session was held on 15 May 2024.

Taliya Minullina, Member of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, stated that record results have been achieved this year and the event brought together more than 20 thousand participants from 87 countries. She also pointed out that the organizers of this forum are waiting for the presence of NCC representatives next year and announced that the Republic of Tatarstan is open to proposals for further development based on mutual respect and trust.

  • Newsgroup : گروه های محتوا,News
  • News code : 923
Farkhondeh Rafani

Farkhondeh Rafani

Last Update date : Jul 3 2024 13:18
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